Tag Archives: personality


The collective production quality of each project was significantly better than last project. People obviously benefited from using the high quality cameras at our disposal. Each project was different from the last, and I give credit to those who tackled quite serious subjects with people other than close friends. It can not be easy.

Chloe Abbot’s project on Fraser, an aspiring fashion designer and tattoo artist was very clean and specific. It conveyed information in a visually pleasing format. The background music complemented the black and white footage well, and was cut in and out when required.

I think it could have been improved by providing more information, particularly on what Fraser is doing at the moment to get further into the fashion industry. After viewing, I felt compelled to learn more about this. Chloe says she is in the process of constructing another edit for Fraser’s label SIRAP.

Chloe’s blog can be viewed here, and her portrait of Fraser can be viewed below.


– Gabe



I felt a lot more comfortable with Project Brief 3 compared with PB2. I’m going to put this down to the fact that PB3 allowed me to depict someone else’s character. Instead of me being judged, my friend Sam will be judged, right? Or was this task just setting us up to be more critical of other people’s filmmaking ability? Either way, the shifting of focus allowed me to create something that I liked, rather than something others were supposed to.

I’m happy with the found footage I used within the short. The retro vinyl advertisement slides in nicely with what I have filmed. It not only relates to the sound from the short, the colours make it visually pleasing. And because almost all of the found footage comes from the one source, there isn’t a huge variety of picture quality. I think if there were more than a few sources of footage, it would lose the sense of rhythm and flow I believe it has.

I’m not so happy with some of the sound in the interview; I had to do a lot of cutting with audio files and fades in and out to make it sound decent. As it was filmed on my balcony with a variety of mics, unwanted sounds such as traffic were picked up. When the sound matched the footage of Sam on the balcony it was good, but it was when the audio was placed over the top of other visuals that it sounded out of place.

In terms of producing portraits, I think a key discovery would be that b-roll footage is always good to have. There are a lot of places you can just slip in a bit of footage to show characteristics rather than tell them. Although not all of mine was used in this project, it’s handy to know for next time.

As a media practitioner I found using public access footage to be really useful and is something I want to explore further. There are heaps of cool and weird bits out there that will certainly serve a purpose in my media making over time. I suppose more generally, using Adobe Premiere Pro has got me thinking more about pre production and the actual filming side of filmmaking. i.e what I need to film to ensure it looks alright during editing.

Sam’s music can be found on his soundcloud:

– Gabriel


Overall I am happy with what I produced for my second project brief. There’s plenty of stuff that could be altered, but I managed to convey what I wanted. There’s no doubt there is too much going on though. I struggled to cut down all the footage I had into the space of 1 minute. I think by the end of filming I had roughly 20 minutes of footage and 100 photographs. Although it was nice to have this amount of material to work with, it just made it harder to select which bits had the most meaning. I need to learn to be more focused with my approach.

Going around the classroom, everyone seemed to do a pretty tidy job. The quality of the footage varied quite a lot, but the basic principles were all in place. Playing mine out loud, I probably needed to adjust the volume levels a bit more before exporting. This was something I experienced a bit of trouble with. Over the next few weeks, once I update my computer, I plan on spending a lot of time filming and editing to boost my skills and get them up to scratch for project brief 3.

– Gabriel



The footage included in my self-portrait was shot in Ballarat, my hometown, and Melbourne (I still spend some time in Ballarat). When it came to capturing the footage, I had pre-meditated shots in mind, but it wasn’t until I started editing that I began to focus on themes. I have broken it up into two parts. The first half focuses on influence, education and growing up in Ballarat, and the second half focuses on confusion, creation, and reflection in Melbourne.

The first sequence of my father singing, hanging towels, and the photograph of 2 generations of brothers, symbolises his influence growing up, by spending time with family. The red, white and blue towels are a subtle hint at my being a Western Bulldogs supporter. Terrible decision… Dad always played music, which developed into a passion of mine, which becomes obvious in the second part (my music being the background track).

Flicking through school photos of myself is an explicit depiction of growing up, education and moving on to a life of independence. Dissolving into an unsolved Rubik’s Cube signifies how scrambled I felt after school. I then felt settled going to university completing a degree in Music Industry, hence the solved Cube followed by a piano being played. It wasn’t until after this course that I felt like Music was more of a hobby than a profession. The photograph of my computer with ableton loaded on the screen, and my RMIT certificate in the background represents this.

The lyrical content of my dad’s song playing in the background: “Don’t change me, I can’t be changing, chasing other people’s ways”, is about focusing on achieving what you want to do. The audio at the start links with the audio of the closing shot where I am listing my likes and aspirations as a 4 year old. Reflecting on this, travelling to outer space is a metaphor for dreaming big, and that is something I am happy to do.

‘Miscommunication’ is the name of the song in the background of the second half of the clip. I feel that it goes well with the footage because without this explanation, everyone would have a different interpretation.

– Gabriel


When I got wind of this assignment, quite uncharacteristically I instantly had an idea. I imagined the final piece being a sort of mixture or at least being influenced by this:


And this, which Thump on YouTube describes as “like a Wes Anderson Movie on techno and acid.” Pretty spot on?


I created a small mock project to try out some ideas, and it was looking like it had potential. After a few days though, I was struggling to think of ways that these quick cuts would represent my personality. I found myself just waiting for inspiration to strike, and it wasn’t a pro-active approach to the assessment. I was stuck in the mindset of making something cool rather than meaningful. Back to the drawing board…

All this editing talk coupled with the inspiration courtesy of Ross McElwee’s ‘Time Indefinite‘, I have decided to film/photograph everything and anything to build up an archive to work from. ‘Blood In The Gutter’, although focused on comics, definitely applies to film. Going from panel to panel is the same as going from shot to shot in a filmed production. I like the openness for interpretation in comics. I haven’t read many, but this reading opened my eyes to art of story-telling and difference in western and eastern traditions. Now I plan on transferring this interpretation concept to my project brief. Editing to ensue…

I’m still pretty keen to make something that binds the music videos above, but maybe for a later project.

– Gabriel



In my LO-FI self-portrait I presented myself through character traits, lifestyle choices and personal opinions. I captured objects and situations around me that were relatable rather than constructing situations myself. Other people in my group opted to capture situations with a bit more thought. They were well constructed, succinct ideas relating to their personalities.

Operating under the different caps was an effective way to gain feedback where we might not have normally received it. Everyone gets nervous when being put on a pedestal. I am happy enough to present myself to the world though because I encourage criticism. It creates growth. My group mentioned that I could touch up my photography skills and create scenes better representing my attributes more so than my opinions. This is what I want to focus on.

If I were to do this task again, I would certainly put more thought into the photographs particularly. I need to learn to be more concise in my photography. I would like to be able to let the photographs do the talking rather than explaining what the photographs mean.

For the next project, I am going to take on board what my peers said and try and create something in more depth and with more flair.


“A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy oyster annoys an oyster more” 

This is a tongue twister that my dad’s mate Tony taught me when our families went to Wilson’s Promontory all those years back. Thinking of it now takes me straight back to memorable Summers.

This sound clip is of the daily routine of buying groceries to get by day to day.

The second sound recording is of myself playing piano and singing some lyrics I was messing around with at the time. I will never give up playing music.

This photo summarises my opinion of how restricted the Australian Music Industry is. With such a small population and large land mass, It’s hard to establish yourself as a professional musician – almost a sacred profession…


Which has led me to consuming music at parties. This photo is more though about the emptiness that I have felt recently since my housemate moved back to Singapore. This was his last gig. From now, his music will continue to play, but he will not be present.


I think I am quite a sharing person, which is certainly necessary in any sharehouse. Bread makes up a lot of my meals. I am poor.


Recycling stacks up when you are forgetful:


This is my view walking home each night through the back alley. I lost my keys recently and haven’t been proactive about getting another cut.

The smoke represents my often smokey/unpredictable nature. Sometimes good and sometimes bad…