Tag Archives: awareness


“A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy oyster annoys an oyster more” 

This is a tongue twister that my dad’s mate Tony taught me when our families went to Wilson’s Promontory all those years back. Thinking of it now takes me straight back to memorable Summers.

This sound clip is of the daily routine of buying groceries to get by day to day.

The second sound recording is of myself playing piano and singing some lyrics I was messing around with at the time. I will never give up playing music.

This photo summarises my opinion of how restricted the Australian Music Industry is. With such a small population and large land mass, It’s hard to establish yourself as a professional musician – almost a sacred profession…


Which has led me to consuming music at parties. This photo is more though about the emptiness that I have felt recently since my housemate moved back to Singapore. This was his last gig. From now, his music will continue to play, but he will not be present.


I think I am quite a sharing person, which is certainly necessary in any sharehouse. Bread makes up a lot of my meals. I am poor.


Recycling stacks up when you are forgetful:


This is my view walking home each night through the back alley. I lost my keys recently and haven’t been proactive about getting another cut.

The smoke represents my often smokey/unpredictable nature. Sometimes good and sometimes bad…


It’s impossible to remember every little detail or experience down to its minute details. Memories get cloudy, and it might just be me, but it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish between dreams and drunken states… As cliché as it sounds though, it is easy to remember details when you know what you’re looking for. Learning how to mark and record memories is an interesting process. I was walking down the street recently (as ya do) with a friend and I was consciously paying more attention to people around me, to try and boost my awareness. When I told him I noticed a guy with very broad shoulders and leathery legs, he realised he needed to pay more attention to the ‘freaks’ as he called them. But this isn’t about the ‘freaks’ of Melbourne; it’s about the mediated content packed into Melbourne Central. Here’s a bit of stuff that we found on our travels:

  • Emergency exit sign
  • Security camera
  • Melbourne Central clock
  • Train timetables
  • Tony Abbot flyers
  • Posters:


  • Rubbish/newspaper clippings
  • Piano surrounded by red velvet (red cord)
  • People using facebook everywhere
  • Radio/music in restaurants and shops
  • Train announcements
  • Background conversations
  • Mount Franklin bottle of water (advertising)
  • Coca Cola advertisement
  • Map of Melbourne Central (?)
  • RMIT drink bottle
  • Conversations with shop attendants
  • Film Art textbook
  • Aaaand Joe Hockey:


Yep, Joe Hockey