Tag Archives: audio


Field recordings are always a bit tricky. Right in the middle of the city there is so much interference which often ruins the quality of the recording. To get a great recording, you have to be in a very quiet space, which is why band recordings are done in sound-proof booths most often. My experience with sound goes back a fair way, but I still have problems with recording fluctuating sound sources. I am fidgety with the gain knob which goes a long way to wrecking an otherwise nice recording.

Many of the sounds captured in todays session were full of noise and unwanted background sounds. I ended up looking at the list of sound files as potential samples for tracks. At some stage I will post a recording of a song which uses these samples in one form or another.

The thing with sampling is, you can use almost anything and make something sound good (subjectively) with it. Take for example these videos that have been doing the rounds recently on the webs. Read article here.


Now I’m not saying that I like the ‘Melbourne Bounce’ sound (it infuriates me), but I can respect the fact that they are using anything and everything to make music. Good on ’em I suppose.



We’ve been asked to compile a self portrait made up of a variety of mediums. The catch (like the one below) is to do it without explicitly providing an image of ourself. I suppose the idea behind this is that a person’s identity online can be vastly different to their identity in real life. I guess it’s just a chance to be weird and creative too. Which is always fun.

It will be a challenge capturing character traits, but it will test our ability to think outside the box. My music background says the audio clips should be my strong points, but I can almost guarantee these will be the most difficult of the lot. Some serious thinking will be required for sure. My early ideas include recording a rehearsal, recording a commute to uni, or recording some piano. These are all things that audibly represent my day to day activities and hint at my character build up. But, they aren’t the most original… Visually, I might literally use some smoke and mirrors to capture some mind-boggling scenes. Who says I can’t be a magician? I just hope I don’t lose my mind over it.