Monthly Archives: September 2016


This book chapter by Howard Gardner intersects well with the episode of Cosmos I watched last night. It focused heavily on the way humans have contributed to the imbalance of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere leading to Global Warming. What’s interesting is this is a topic everyone knows about, yet actions to prolong the inevitable consequences lag, particularly in Australia. I wouldn’t classify myself as an environmentalist but when the facts are presented in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s unique manner, it’s difficult not to be concerned. 

How easy is it to just combat this issue though? I’m not the one with the scientific education, but I do like to think I have elements of all five of Gardner’s minds packed into mine. Identifying strengths and weaknesses in others is key to successful action, and in order to progress into a sustainable future, thinking globally, but acting locally, nationally and regionally, like Gardner suggests is paramount. 

I like the idea of Education as a lifelong prospect. It can often be forgotten that after school finishes, life begins, and living is essentially learning from the world around you. I will say that as a graduating student preparing to enter the unknown world of creative production/freelancing/bumming around… that I along with many others from my generation are learning to acquire skill sets in various fields. Gardner writes of the importance of this and I can not disagree with how vital this is. Being able to adapt from workplace to workplace or project to project with a scientifically analysing mind will ensure a prosperous future. 

– Gabe