This is my final edit for Sedgwick’s Sheen. I am happy to call it a finished piece. It’s a little bit sketchy in parts (camera wobble), but it kind of works with how glitchy the rest of it is. I got what I wanted from the project – an opportunity for me to experiment with the stacks of footage I have accumulated. I was very thankful to be able to work with a close friend too. It meant that for the entirety of the creative process we could discuss and exchange ideas regarding the piece at ease. Although the music was strictly written by sam and the visuals strictly by me, conversations regarding the aesthetics were common.
When it comes to creativity, Sam’s attitude heavily revolves around prolific production. That’s not to say that his work lacks quality however – there’s just been a consistent amount of growth over time. I believe this stems back to his approach – pushing himself with each new project and not getting too caught up in the outcomes. I continue to learn from him and will continue to work with him on both visual and music projects. But for now, this is what we came up with.
Sam Sedgwick – Sheen from Gabriel Strachan on Vimeo.
What I like most about the video is when the pulsating grid layered over the colourful morphing background snaps and warps itself into a gooey mess. It sits well with the music after gradually building up over time. It is as much of a visual representation of the sound as I could think of. One small letdown is probably the colours of the middle portion where the mosaic effect is layered over the top of the plants. I didn’t get deep at all in to colour correction but might have to future projects. It just stands out a little bit as somewhat jarring. But overall, i’d say it’s pretty cool.
– Gabe