It’s been a while since I’ve had a good phone with a decent camera, but a couple of weeks ago I finally upgraded to the iPhone SE. The camera and functions that come with it are extremely impressive. It has been what I have been yearning for for quite a while – a quick and easy to use portable camera with the capabilities to video and capture quality audio.

One of the new apps that has become a staple for experimentation on the iPhone is boomerang. It is a video service that captures split seconds of motion and replays them back and forth. I have tried to recreate the effect in the past, but this app makes it a much easier task.

Although this little project diverges a bit from the other exercises I have been doing this semester (and is probably a bit creepy thanks to the bottom right image), it is a concept that I will continue to expand on. With the four separate videos being introduced over a short period of time and revealing different aspects of the same story, it has a developing narrative (or has potential to be used better to develop a narrative and tell a story).

What I have tried to convey in this short example is the joys of having a cuppa and snack.

Julia loves cuppas from Gabriel Strachan on Vimeo.

– Gabe

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