Small Things-First Blog Post

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When I was reading through the studio choices, I wanted to choose one that would have a lot of hands on filming work. My past studios were hands on, however we didn’t really learn much about cameras. Cameras aren’t the most important part of production for sure, but it is a must know.

I chose this studio because I liked the idea of constantly filming and practicing film techniques through playing with making short clips. My first impression of this studio was that I’d finally be getting some hands on camera experience and learning how to creatively shoot a good shot. I came into this studio expecting to be making a lot of short experimental clips and films. I was partially correct, as we will be making a lot of short clips however they just aren’t experimental; they’re based off of a script already written so we can focus more on the technicalities of video production such as camera angles, timing and editing. I think it will be great to get to learn and explore in detail the techniques we could use for producing films. Unfortunately in my other studios I haven’t gone into much detail with these film aspects but hopefully will learn a lot about it this semester.

What I want from this studio is to learn some details about lighting and camera technicalities such as how to use the iris and focus efficiently and professionally. I’d also like to learn a bit about sound and sound editing for film. It will also be good to get some practice with cinematography, mis en scene and editing.

So far we have used a camera in every Monday class and we are in the editing suites on Wednesdays. I’m excited for this because we will get a good balance of production and post production skills. It doesn’t seem like there will be much pre-production involved in this studio which is fine with me. I’m more than happy to focus on the production side and learn from mistakes and successes there.

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