Focus: Create a video promoting Purifier’s new iPhone app that displays humour or interest potentially resulting in virality.
Deadline: 11 October 2013
Submissions: Please upload the video to YouTube as ‘unlisted’ and send a direct link to
Prize: Winner will take away three double passes to Frontier Touring gigs this year, and if the viral video is used in the Purifier marketing campaign, $1,000 cash as payment for their idea.
Brief: Purifier is currently developing a brand new iPhone app to accompany our website, and we need a viral video to help promote the app on launch as part of our marketing and social media campaign. It doesn’t need to be ‘professional’ or ‘slick’. It just needs to be engaging and shareable, whilst communicating that Purifier’s new app is available for download now on the iTunes store.
Key marketing messages:Please use one of the following marketing messages as part of the viral video your create:1. Purify your life… with Purifier2. Connect your music world3. Let music find you
Tone: Purifier is cool, fun, young, fresh, modern, connected, an insider, cheeky and at times provocative.
Viral video reference examples:
About Purifier: Tired of wasting countless hours trawling websites, blogs, socials and videos for the music content you want? Purifier makes following, sharing and discovering music easy.

Purifier demo video:

For more information or Purifier assets: Email