1 min short film_The hat


This black hat, as you can see, it’s on the ground. The black, I have to say, resulting in a strong visual impact. The cover of this hat, in other words, the coverĀ is designed in a pattern like ‘chapped ground’. Meanwhile, it is easy to find out that the inside material of this hat is really different to the outside material. The inside material isn’t glossy, more accurate, it is soft. Also, it is really dark to get into the hat so we can see it is really good at blocking sunlight. Oh yes there are decoration, obviously, couples of Adidas, on the main structure in hat. Why? I have no idea, people can’t see the Adidas if they don’t flip over. A little piece of label is also inside the hat, it is telling people that made in China. Beautiful hat, but because the camera I used to take this film is my phone, shaking to some extent can’t be avoided, and also it loses focus sometimes.

Essay back

I didn’t expect that, Adrian gave us essay feedback just in minuets after I arrive the class. Yeah I was very nerves, I did care about that. Well finally I got the feedback, it was CR, fine.

Adrian spent a lot of time to mark essays, I can clearly see that he was very serious, he marked almost every paragraphs. All right, be positive, let’s fight for the DI next time. I think I need to go back and try to figure out those marks and notes on my essay from Adrian.


Today is Thursday, but at the beginning I want to mention that next week is the Easter Holiday, and we will have a week to enjoy the holiday and the coming assessments.

Since last Thursday, our project noticing 2 had done. We started to read chapter three of Bogost’ book. Unfortunately, I was busy with other assessments from other courses, I didn’t have enough time to finish the chapter three. I think that this situation not only happened to me, but lots of students in the studio.

That was the reason the atmosphere in Tuesday class was so that quite and you know. Professor Miles almost spent the whole class to talk alone, less students responded to him.

I have to say that that was a bad participation in the Tuesday class.

Feedback from class

We received many feedback from other classmates, first of all, thanks everyone.

I have to say that we made a big mistake that we forgot to record the read of our script. Soooo sad. Worse more, we can’t add it because those students in Germany have received our soundscape.

Soundscape from Offenburg

Sounds, last week we have uploaded and gave our soundscape to Offenburg in German, and today we received and listen to the sounds from Offenburg made by those Germany students. Their soundscapes are really interesting, fortunately they record that in English not in Germany, so we can understand.

What we will do for the next step is that thinking about the video to response soundscape from the Group four in German. This time we will focus on an object that expand.