Wk3 Studio 1

Since we started the class, we enjoyed everyone’s video. We have a paper to judge everyone’s video, writing down our comment to help each other to improve.

About my video, I have no idea what is going on with the audio, the soundtrack. When I edited the video in edited room, even with my laptop, the voice is loud enough to hear clearly. Sad, the sound is really low, and many of my classmates did write down on the paper.

I picked two of them. Really appreciate for everyone’s useful and worthy comments.


Wk2-Studio 2

At the beginning, Professor Miles asked us to write down questions that we have on how to improve our blog. How to improve for the coming studying? Worked in groups, we wrote down the questions we want to ask, then posted that on the board. After this, everyone has $5 to give questions that they think is worthy to be answered by Professor Miles, $1 for a times.

I recorded some questions that our students chose.

#1. How casual can it be?

A: As casual as we like.

#2. What are we supposed to notice?

A: Anything.

#3. Why five posts a week?

A: In order to form a habit that is noticing.


Actually I have some questions that want Professor Miles answer for me:

#1. Usually when I am writing a blog about a subject or a thing, it is hard for me to find out a direction of writing of the subject and the thing. I don’t know what area is worthy to be talked and discussed in my blog. For example, I want to share my understanding and feeling of a movie or documentary after I saw that. However sometimes I can’t control myself to write a long analysis of the movie which includes couples area. It wastes too much my time. What should I do?

#2. I think that blog is more serious than other social media, it is a good platform to gather us for education purpose. Can we reflect our reading questions or studying questions during class or extract time on blog where everyone can see and answer those questions? Because I found out that many students couldn’t exactly and completely share their confusion and questions in class, it makes me awkward to ask questions.


In this class, we still emphasize the relations. Whatever relations that are linked us to the objects. Compared to last week, this time we concern on: How does it happen? What does it happen? Then we drew another picture about relations.

This is what I chose, the ballpoint pen. Before I started it, I was confused about where I should go further. To dig the relations between me and the ballpoint pen or the relations between ballpoint pen and the supermarket where I bought the pen from. Anyway, any relations is fine as Professor Miles said. So I chose to talk the relations on the ballpoint pen. I wrote down the manufacturing process of the ballpoint pen but it is too narrow. I should better to wrote down where is the ink comes from, where is the plastic body comes from, moreover I could say the technology that how this pen was invented.

Movie the Kuleshov effect was showed in class. Before this class I actually never hear about it. It was interesting!! Only some pictures combine together, cause people have different feeling. Like me, when I see the soup, my feeling is flat and I was waiting for what going on. Then a someone’s face came out which make me confused, what’s the relations? After this picture, the next one is a girl lye in the coffin, then back to the face just showed. The strongest feeling I get is wired, horrible and sad. I found out that I will subconsciously think what story or case this short video what to express. I think this is where my emotions came out.