
Today is Thursday, but at the beginning I want to mention that next week is the Easter Holiday, and we will have a week to enjoy the holiday and the coming assessments.

Since last Thursday, our project noticing 2 had done. We started to read chapter three of Bogost’ book. Unfortunately, I was busy with other assessments from other courses, I didn’t have enough time to finish the chapter three. I think that this situation not only happened to me, but lots of students in the studio.

That was the reason the atmosphere in Tuesday class was so that quite and you know. Professor Miles almost spent the whole class to talk alone, less students responded to him.

I have to say that that was a bad participation in the Tuesday class.

Response to our group project

A convivial making!

I have to say that this time, in the soundscape making process, Joel and Nina spent more time and energy than me and Cameo. Nina was responsible to the recording part, and Joel was responsible to the editing part. At the beginning, we had a good and crazy brainstorm, this was the part I think convivial.

The truculent clamour of things.

Actually we didn’t argue too much on soundscape, so the word ‘truculent’ could not describe our job process correctly. We didn’t affair to tell each other our own ideas, and we tried our best to put everyone’s good ideas together in a soundscape. Then we listened to the soundscape when Joel done the edition, telling him what we think to improve.


I am writing the essay

During the time I am writing the essay, again and again to read back in order to make sure I didn’t stray from the point. “without explication” and “greater attentiveness” are key words in the essay, explaining how the soundscape draw great attention on the items or locale.

I always keep myself to talk around the quote with the soundscape. Now I want to say out something I figure out during the writing process, but I don’t know whether they are right.

A list of objects without explication, just like a list of orders without explanation . Those independent words in a list, or the voice, attracting people with no reasons. A list of objects without explication is very simple and pure, nobody forcefully add their mind on those objects. Literature that Ian Bogost says in his book, to some extant, is full of human subjectivity and individual ideology. Back to the list, just like back to the origin. Back to the items or other objects from explications (other people’s ideology).

When we are reading a story or narrative, our mind will follow the story line, even the ideology and Weltanschauung created by author, namely, our mind are controlled by author. We won’t focus on items that included in the story or narrative, story line is more attractive. However, a list of objects without explication has a power that draw greater attentiveness on objects. Actually, I want to say that the power of a list of objects without explication is currently correspond to a ability of human. The ability is the reaction of the world. What is that? This question I think could be a typical reaction of human to this world.

Feedback from class

We received many feedback from other classmates, first of all, thanks everyone.

I have to say that we made a big mistake that we forgot to record the read of our script. Soooo sad. Worse more, we can’t add it because those students in Germany have received our soundscape.

Soundscape from Offenburg

Sounds, last week we have uploaded and gave our soundscape to Offenburg in German, and today we received and listen to the sounds from Offenburg made by those Germany students. Their soundscapes are really interesting, fortunately they record that in English not in Germany, so we can understand.

What we will do for the next step is that thinking about the video to response soundscape from the Group four in German. This time we will focus on an object that expand.

Ian Bogost (reading) chapter 2

The chapter 2 is talking more about ontology, the back of the chapter is more difficult to understand for me, compared to the front part.

Those poetry have a unbelievable magic, but seriously the way or style of poetry is what the teachers touch me can’t use, it is too simple and  useless. The ‘waters of March’ is so cool, fully reflect what Ian Bogost says in the book that ‘instead of worshipping simplicity, OOO embraces messiness. ‘

In the back of the chapter, Ian Bogost mention visual ontographs, I can’t understand the example he took. ‘François Blanciak’s speculative, paradigmatic architectural theory Siteless’, this example makes me confused. What exactly Ian Bogost want to explain clearly with this example?


Wk4 studio1, what I learn today

What I learn today?

Today’s class is really helpful, Professor talked lots of information and knowledge about the understanding of Ian Bogost’s book and ideology. I arrived late, so missed the first 30 mins. I will talk about the knowledge and information that leaved me a deep impression.

  • Start thinking: what do they do?

For example: what can sound recorder/camera/editor do to make a film? What machine can do? I agree that in lots of essay we need to discuss that what’s the meaning of something. In this case, the essay and the content will be sublime to some extent. But we need to think back that what do they do, which helps us to do practice, not the ideology discussion. What writing do? What editing can do? Writing is telling a story, then editor is work about relationship in time, based on color and others things. Like me, what I can do in our soundtrack project? The subject of our project is a room, then we chose kitchen. Then, what the staff in the kitchen can do, what sound they can make? To think about these questions can really help us to rich our soundtrack.


Tao Te Ching_Chapter 5

When I have spare time, I’d like to practice my writing on copybook (for calligraphy). The content of my copybook is Tao Te Ching that is the original book of Taoism, and published in the late 4th century BC. Laozi who is the ideologist of Taoism, in other words, he insisted Naive Dialectic.

The translation in Chapter 5:

Heaven and Earth are impartial;
they treat all of creation as straw dogs.
The Master doesn’t take sides;
she treats everyone like a straw dog.

The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows;
it is empty, yet has not lost its power.
The more it is used, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you comprehend.

It is better not to speak of things you do not understand.

The ancients used to treat the sky as the master of the world, and often endowed with personality and religious meaning. However, Laozi (the ideologist) didn’t believe that, in his opinion, the sky has its own objective mode of operation, there is no mercy. So sage (or politician) doesn’t need to be mercy to public, imitate the nature to do noting to administer a country, society and community.

PS: Seriously, I just agree that the world doesn’t have mercy, but I am not totally agree that politician do noting to the society, let it go as what the society wish. If issues happen, they have to in charge. Regarding to how to administer a community, society or a country, I am more interested in Mohism, its Mohist logic is the first logic system in ancient China, one of the three classical logic systems in the world.

Two questions of studio in wk 3

What qualities did you notice that matters?

I will say this in two parts, one is about the judgement comment paper, the other one is watching the videos. To be honest, I am not that good at this kind of comment, although I do think there are something need to be improved and changed. But I think that maybe this is the personality they have. Anyway, when we are responsible for the comment paper, we need to be serious to the paper, because they are looking forward this. The second part is about when we are watching videos, keeping quite and no judgement during the watching process. I think we all done very well.

What feedback would you give your own work?

Of course, the thing that disappointed me most is the soundtrack. I can’t hear it clearly either most of my classmates. Because of the low voice, most of them can’t give a current comment. Except this, the next one is about the copyright. I have to say that all the images and videos I used are from the website CC Search. Next time if I gonna use the images, videos or music from this website I will add the resources of those at the end of the video.