To combine painting, daily life, and studio technical skills.

Film lighting knowledge we learned from studio seems to be very theoretic and foggy but actually, when it acted or expressed by people, we would found out that we experience similar environment before.

In the assessment one, there was a description of the painting, someone might be curious that what’s the values? Painting is hugely different to film. Personally, I would say no, painting has valuable relations to the film. Panting was created in the times without camera, and most of the painter (except typical abstract painters) notice and value the lights (whatever kinds of lights).

For example, a week ago I went to the National Gallery, and I saw a painting of the lights in living room.

This painting shows us the lights in the living room, and for further details please see the photo above. I know that this painting seems like not that very realistic but I am very curious that how can I turn this painting into real life. The light in this painting is soft and incredible. How can I use lights and other equipment like many blue gel to control lights? How many lights that we need to set in a black room without windows. Moreover, we can see that there is warm and cold light in this painting so how to set up different kind of light to achieve this.

When we are describing a light, there is not only hard or soft but color temperature.

Let see what happen on audience’s feeling to these two photos was took by me in class in week 4. As you can see that the first photo is warm, in other words, it’s in lower temperature. While the other one is cold, in higher temperature. In the first photo, the angry degree of Robin is very high, like the fire is going to burn the whole classroom; on the other hand, in the second photo, the angry degree is lower, just like Robin got a big shock and he is frozen, can’t refresh his head.

Film lighting has magic and actually, we can see it in our life. Art is from the life. So pay attention to the environment we are in will be very useful and helpful to study and review film lighting.


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