week-10 Lecture

The lecture of this week could be separated into two parts, one is institution and the other one is the video essay for PB4.

To identify the institution, there are four explanations.

  1. Term from sociology.
  2. Organizing structures of society.
  3. Social, political, cultural and economic relations
  4. Principles, values, rules

Also, marriage was discussed as an example in class. In the lecture, we discussed it in six areas that are social, political, cultural, economic, legal and symbolic. Before the marriage came into the world, long time ago, love is the only one proof and thing that gather a man and a woman. Marriage, as other institutions, based on something is already existent. In my opinion, institution exists as a protection that protect early existent thing. For example, there are two kinds of social system that are socialist system and capitalist system, although they stand for different positions, the functions and purpose of them are same, to make the society better than before.

Then, turn to the media institutions in Australia, there are some main media institutions that are Facebook, community media, ABC and HBO. Professor required students to discuss with the people who set on their sides, trying to think about the media institutions in different and influential ways. Because I am not familiar with the media institutions in Australia, I talked over some Chinese media institutions with my friends. In China, the most famous and powerful one is the CCTV, the China Central Television. All the news broadcasted by this television station is almost 100% believable because it is not only a television station but a propaganda sign of China, and the head of the rest of the television station in China. In this case, we could find out that sometimes the media institution is complex than what people think.

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