week 6 – lecture



This week is week six, almost in the middle of this semester. So in this lecture, Professor Rachel presented a situation about our blogs that we posted in the last six weeks.

According to Rachel, our blogs need to be improved and more critical. She mentioned lots of things about blogs, for example, what we need to post in blog. Document practice, process and achievement, idea creation and the questions we met with media. Just in one sentence, blog post needs to be creative and critical. Looking back my posts, most of that are more like a narrative. In order to make the blog more colorful, I decide to ask three questions to myself, that are what is it, why it is important and how do I do.

To answer the first question that is what is it for this post; I can say there are two key words, noticing and narrative. Noticing means we, our media students, should take care of the media around us. Actually, it is not difficult because media has become a part of our daily life, we can find it out everywhere. Also, there are too many media around us so if we want to remember a media that we want to post in blog, we ought to mark and record. Helping our project brief three, Rachel gave us a mind mapping that is reflection on action. This mind mapping is combined with six parts, starting with the description and ending with this too. Introducing the rest of the five parts, they are feeling, evaluate, analysis, analysis and action plan. Especially for me, a raw recruit in this area, I would feel confused about what should I do in order to color my video, letting my video more attractive. I do remember that a friend of mine, a student studying in the master of communication and media, asked me about my project brief two, what is your story in this video? Then I said that just a self-introduction, talking about who am I and what I like. At first, I did not listen to him because I think the meaning in this video is more important than the skill. However, when I saw the academic score of the project brief two, I felt so shame because I did not follow him.

Talking about the story, in the rest of the time of this lecture, Brian Morris taught us some professional knowledge about story/narrative. Firstly, he introduced what is narrative/story, and why does it matter. There are some reasons, for example, a way of structuring meaning by story. Actually, this part is not quite important because we are not teacher, no responsibility for us to let students understand the significance of story/narrative. Totally in a sentence, story/narrative is very significant. He also mentioned the key elements of narrative/story, in my opinion, this is very useful. There are five points of the key elements, controlling idea, character, conflict, structure and character change/growth.

In the end, after this class, I have more specific content and plan about my project brief. Thanks to this lecture and knowledge, I cannot wait to making my video.

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