Network drama, becoming popular with the development of Internet, is a little different with teleplay. Actually, I find out there are two different points, comparing with the teleplay.
The first different point is medium. As we all know, teleplay is played on television, since television born out. Day by day, cinema comes out, and the movie has a special place to be played. Now, internet has become the third medium to play drama, living with television and cinema in the communication area. The network drama is only played on Internet, but the teleplay can be played on both of the television and Internet. For the reason why network drama can be only played on Internet, we can turn to the second point.
The second point is content; one of the factors that decide the network drama can be only played on the Internet. Teleplay has a longer development history than network drama, has more audience than that too. So it is no doubt that there is a more mature and completed management system for organizing the order in television area. For example, in China, the government stipulates that all the teleplay need to be censored by a special department, and each TV station can only play the teleplay that has passed the censorship system. Internet is a free platform for each user, and the system for organizing the rules is not completed. So there are less rules and powerful organization to manage the Internet. Therefore, some dramas that do not pass the television censorship would be played on Internet, facing to everyone; especially some dramas have the plot of salacity, violence and drug taking. Moreover, for drama producer, it is saving time and money to put drama on the Internet because it economizes a list of process.
Network drama will become more popular, and has more audience. The value of network drama would become bigger and important.