Week 1# position


To take this photo, I have tried a lot of position, and finally I almost laied on the ground. This photo was took in the spring, I want to express the vitality of the life in the new spring so I used the sun for setting against the flower.

In media, to emphasize the main topic, we have a great and effective way that finding an obeject for setting against the subject. In this way, we have two kind of object to choose, one is standing on the same side of the subject, the other one is standing on the opposite side.

Firstly, tlaking about the object that standing on the same side of the subject, we can use this object to set against the subect so that the meaning that we want the audience know of the suject can be stressed. For example, the photo I posted above, the subject is the flower and the sun is the object. The sun is shining and the sunshine is warm, that can be simplly used to let audience to understand the vitality of the life in the spring.

Then, regarding to the object that standing ont the opposite side of the subject, it is more easier to understand because we often see this in lots of classical and typical stories such as the Snos White, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Cinderella. In these stories, there is a commen point that a kind and nice subject and a evil enemy. And also, the subject always win against the enemy. This is the contrast. The evil enemy always serces as a foil to the kind and  righteous subject so that the main idea that justice and kindness win forever can be stressed.

Week 1# Reading-hyper and deep attention

Redaing: Hyper and deep attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes

According to this passage, the main topic are the hyper attention and deep attention. In the first paragrath, the aurthor says that ‘we need to become aware of the shift, understand its causes, and think careatively and innovatively about new ducational strategies appropriate to the coming changes.’ So we can find out that there are some relations between the hyper and deep attention and the things I mentioned before.

Deep attention, always be associated with tive things that are humanities, focusing on a single object for a long time, neglecting outside stimulations, favorring of a single information atream, and having a high tolerancefor a long focus periods. Hyper attention is described ny awithing focus rapidly among different tasks, reasearching a high level of stimulation, interesting in multipel information streams, and havng a low tolerance for boredom.

For many famous scientists, deep attention is the only or the best way for them to sove some very conplex problems. If people cannot focus on one thing with the whole attention, it is not easy to get some achievements. However, in recent years, more and more informations coming from any media appear in the frount of people, like a storm. Now, people have to face numerous informations of any areas, that attracts people. We cannot say it is negetive for all the people because it can broaden people’s horizen, that can help people to integrate into the current and modern society.

Well I think that because of the numerous informations, increasing people used to use the hyper attention. For the whole society, it may not be good. For example, more people have increasing informations to read and less of them would like to focus on one single thing, many difficult problems cannot be soled as soon as possible. In this case, less professional people would come in the society and our science is hard to be developed.

Don’t you think it is so awkard to be asked by someone whem you cannot answer they for the inforfmations you have seem before.

Week 1# workshop 1

The workshop is at 8:30 in the Wednesday morning, although it is early, I was the first student in the class. Prof.Louise Turley is my teacher, and she is a nice, beautiful and patient lady, I like her. At first, luoise asked us to chat with someone, and Ryan is that guy. Actually, Ryan is the first guy i chatted with in the workshop. The thing amazed me is that he has a cat that is 21 years old now! Like him. It makes me remember my cat, she was nice but dead. Oh, we still talked more about tbe hyper and deep attention. In my group, we discussed the pros and cons of the hyper attention. In my group, except me, other three calssmates prefer hyper attention so I suppose that why we wrote lots of pros of the hyper attention and less cons of that. Also in this workshop, a great part of students always use hyper attention and it seens liked there was only me supported deep attention. Well, honestly, I want to stand between hyper attention and deep attention, becouse I use deep attention when I focus on somethings that I am keen in. As everyone know, everyone only have 24hrs per day, the time is limited. We cannot do everything in our life so we have to choose what we need to focus. For example, I study Media mow so I will take more care of News and informations about Media. I am not good at pop music and also I am not keen in that, that is why I would not spend time to read the News and informations.

Well, it depends on person.

On that day, we saw a vedio of Justin Bieber. I have to admit the content of the vedio and the melody is great. This song is about love, and the content is a couple live together and the regular and general life of them. The great point is that all the story is presented by dancing! This couple dance since they wake up from the bed, they change the boring thing into interesting. It just seems like the maker want us to know the regular life between a lovely couple is beautiful without boring. The backgroud’s colour mainly is gray and white, that could makes audience feel calm and peaceful. The cool color set off the placid melody, telling people a small and regular love story.

Regarding to the assignment, I am comfused about that for a few days.
I hope Lousie and my calssmates would like my assignment.

Week 1# media 1 lectorial

It was the first time I’ve ever studied in the university, so I was a little nervous when I was getting into my first class. Actually, I have been here for almost 6 monthes, but my English listening is still terrible. I just understood about 50%~60% of what Prof. Brian Morris said. Brian Morris asked us students a question in the class, that was what’re your 5 targets in the coming three years. To be honest, I have a general ieda about what i want to do, but it is difficult to describe in 5 points. So I think of other five targets, they are making more friends from everywhere, coming to the class on time for each time, doing my best to finish my assignments, getting HD and DI as soon as possible, learning how to control myself, and achieving the targets I have mentioned before. Moreover, we read a reading about hyper and deep attention, its name is Hyper and deep attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes. Unfortunately, I did not finish that in 15 mins as i prefer deep attention when I am reading. I still need to develop my reading skill. I know that hyper attention is a good way for people to understand the general content of the reading material. However, I think it is so awkward when someone ask me some questions about reading, and i couldn’t answer that. And also, hyper attention can only help people to get mian point except details so they need to read the passage again. That would watse more time than deep attention.

Hope you guys have a nice day.