Week 1# media 1 lectorial

It was the first time I’ve ever studied in the university, so I was a little nervous when I was getting into my first class. Actually, I have been here for almost 6 monthes, but my English listening is still terrible. I just understood about 50%~60% of what Prof. Brian Morris said. Brian Morris asked us students a question in the class, that was what’re your 5 targets in the coming three years. To be honest, I have a general ieda about what i want to do, but it is difficult to describe in 5 points. So I think of other five targets, they are making more friends from everywhere, coming to the class on time for each time, doing my best to finish my assignments, getting HD and DI as soon as possible, learning how to control myself, and achieving the targets I have mentioned before. Moreover, we read a reading about hyper and deep attention, its name is Hyper and deep attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes. Unfortunately, I did not finish that in 15 mins as i prefer deep attention when I am reading. I still need to develop my reading skill. I know that hyper attention is a good way for people to understand the general content of the reading material. However, I think it is so awkward when someone ask me some questions about reading, and i couldn’t answer that. And also, hyper attention can only help people to get mian point except details so they need to read the passage again. That would watse more time than deep attention.

Hope you guys have a nice day.

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