Media 4 | Essay Film (as research)

The essay film as research: some thoughts



  • Montaigne, oft-cited father of the essay, claimed his intention was to take an object and view it from many perspectives, always through his own subjectivity.

Working title: 

6AM Sunday

One-line synopsis:

40 years on, we visit the stall owners still standing at the Sunday Camberwell Markets.

One-paragraph synopsis:

Fabiana reveals the history and experiences of locals who have been selling at the Camberwell Market for over 20 years. Through conversational style interviews, we get to know the characters behind the stalls, their stories, what they love about the markets and why they keep coming back year after year. One of the few true community markets still standing, Camberwell Sunday Markets is a rich and colourful space to spend time with the people who value community.

Director’s statement (why you want to make it, your relationship to the topic)

 I’ve always loved spending time in markets. It’s a space where it’s okay to talk openly to strangers, approach people, ask them about who they are. It’s always vibrant, colourful, full of artists and healers, musicians and creators. People from everywhere come to sell, buy, trade, bargain, pester and hustle. Everyone’s there showing a part of themselves and usually it’s open for discussion. There are so many stories to be heard and when you find the right characters, it’s like jumping down the rabbit hole.

 What I think I know about this topic/people:

  • It has declined in people’s view
  • It’s no longer what it used to be
  • It has a lot of negative feelings attached now for some of the long standing locals
  • It is one of the few Melbourne markets with a real community, crafty feel.
  • It’s not focused on food trade, more collectors items, old tools, rarities and jewellery which is what makes it interesting.
  • There are a lot of interesting people who still go there on a regular basis
  • There are newer stall owners who are very enthusiastic about the markets
  • There are older stall owners who are still very enthusiastic about the markets

What I want to find out:

  •  A little more history about the markets and how it started
  • More about the Rotary Club (the current owners)
  • Interview more people on Sunday who might be interested in being a part of this documentary story telling process
  • Many people have big lives outside the markets, they are over 50 and have a lot of stories to tell. I want to know how much they would be willing to discuss on film
  • whether or not I’m going to encounter problems with council or permitting
  • where I can find photos and footage of the markets back in the 70’s and 80’s

 Visual approach (what filmic elements, sound, archival material, music, photos, text you will use- think of other films you have seen etc).

  •  Extremely colourful and vibrant
  • Voices, accounts, fragments of people talking as they pass by
  • Original music by artists who perform at the markets

What film materials do you already have?

This footage was taken Sunday 30th July during my first trip to the markets. I went to the space to see if people would be willing to speak on camera on the 13th of August. It was my aim to start a relationship so that when I return this Sunday (1 week before shooting) I can touch base with them and allow them to become comfortable and used to me asking a lot of questions. I’ve found that the people who are willing to talk, don’t need a lot of questions. If I prompt them towards a certain subject matter, they are happy to continue to talk and digress naturally. I took a few grabs of footage, I did ask Jess if I could take a video of her, I wasn’t prepared with my paper work unfortunately. She also agreed to play in front of the camera on the 13th. She gave me her contact details. This is an original song that I requested from her after she had finished the last tune which was a cover. 

In preparation for the essay project, I wanted to play around with some editing and see if I could express the energy and vibe of the market with a little short sharp cutting and spaces between the movement. I’m excited to do the essay project. I think there is a lot of room to look into ideas and develop them in a way I wouldn’t normally have thought of. I’m excited to think about different ways to capture sound texture. Looking forward to heading out again this Sunday.


 What do you need to get? Make a plan for this!

One Response

  1. kimmunro at |

    Looks good.. I think there’s a lot of scope for some interesting sound design to capture and re-present the atmosphere. Think about how you will put your subjective position into it as well- through voice-over, text on screen etc.. Good luck


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