Media 6 | Week 1 Astrid & ABC R&D

Astrid Scott ABC R&D


Destination for Media – where is it going?

This lecture was pretty eye opening for me, in making me see and think about all the possibilities for jobs and media spaces outside what I assumed I would fall into. My passion is producing and acting in my own content and in my pursuit of this, I haven’t given much thought to where else I could place myself within the E&M industry. Not necessarily the area that Astrid spoke about, but I did think about other possibilities and I’m looking forward to exploring opportunities outside creative and advertising content production.

I can’t see the point in being frightened of the future or of the possibilities technological advancement. Be frightened for a minute but then get on with either actively engaging with it, seeing how it can benefit you and the lives of the people you care about it, reject it, work to fight it (pointless) or use it for whatever you feel to be in to the benefit of the “greater good”.

Whatever the fears or anxieties might be, being in a media communications degree, it is kind of my responsibility to educate myself on what’s happening within my own industry. Understandably Astrid is working within a very specific space that might not be literal for another 10 years, however her belief is that it’s coming. The smart homes, the internet of things. It is already here, in products, being developed and will evolve and continue to become part of our everyday lives.

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I found their work on the VR project exciting. The idea that participants or users choose what part of the experience they want to engage in. We think, feel and move physically like we are there in the visual experience with a 360 degree option of involvement.

This obviously made for a great production documentary as well.

Hats off to you Astrid, good luck with everything. It was nice hearing all about the work you do 🙂

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