Tomorrows test shoot we are going to be experimenting with different materials and coloured dye before we lock in a date to shoot this material in a studio. We are seeing what colours and textures are most effective and present best as projection or effect material. We wont know until we play with lights and camera frames what comes up the best. We have spray paint, hair spray, glitter, material and yes, CHOP STICKS!
It’s interesting when watching video clips to see what is done on the shoot day and what is applied in post-production. We’d like to try as many live effects as possible to play with depth and texture and then whatever we add in post is a bonus. We will shoot effects for live use, projection use and effect use and so each way will have to be shot slightly differently. As our concept images show already, we are using LA neon colours like fluorescent pinks, greens, blues and yellows. We will also play with red but ideally not use it too much as a major tone or motif because it looks too serious and gives a more aggressive undertone. We are using these colours to keep the tone heightened and pop like so that the agro in the song doesn’t present itself too seriously.
It’s going to be an interesting balance getting the dynamic and energy right with our colour palette and choice of Artist Performance. We’d like Ali to be herself and be comfortable however there may be moments where we have to direct her out of her comfort zone to get a physical effect. When we pitch this again to her on Wednesday with the new ironed out concept and treatment, hopefully she will be comfortable experimenting with different types of performance. Again, until we consolidate our footage and effect material, we wont necessarily know what will be the most effective choice. We have a few different kinds of performances we would like to capture on the day from non-performative still singing, to fairly dynamic and powerful physicality. Also because we are using a lot of close up shots, the colours may do a lot of the talking however because this clip is all about featuring Ali as the main performance, it may mean using her a lot more in the delivery of the song.