‘Media Materialism’

Lavoy_Tech_Culture-23zqn5qThis is a big reading that covers many areas of the relationship between culture and technologies, rather than attempting to summarise and comment on the reading as a whole I have selected a few sections that stood out for me. The idea that it is not the technology itself but the way we use it determines its cultural impact was significant. This made me think of how people circulate information they receive through high speed social media sites offering information on news and current affairs. As a media user we often take one idea, extract, reading, example and turn it into something else very quickly. Even by reposting something onto another persons page changes the context of the information being circulated and it therefore it takes on different meanings. It is not just one print source supplying information to a mass audience, everyone is involved with cutting and pasting information and commenting on it as it related to them and their interests. It is dangerous, in my opinion that meaning is in the hands of the appropriator and not the original source. Our perception of the world also is determined through this information because it’s becoming normal to receive and perpetuate information in this way.

Another example of perception determined by users is Facebook. FB has changed the way we perceive our close communities or rather, circle of acquaintances and friends. We can see into their private lives and form judgments and decisions based on information that may or may not be true. Social media has prevented us from seperating from information that isn’t helpful to us in any way. Yes you can use it to network and keep in contact etc. etc., BUT it is a huge distraction emotionally and mentally for people who should be trying to live in the present. Facebook is about past and future, all media information has happened or has already happened. This is a dangerous and unhealthy perception of the world and state of mind to live in. This reading is dense but rewarding for an understanding of culture and technologies. I enjoyed it.

Extracts from A. Murphie and J. Potts (2002), Culture and Technology (Palgrave MacMillan)[Introduction and Ch.1 on ‘Theoretical Frameworks’]

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