Saying Something About Someone

Today in tutorials we critiqued each other’s Project Briefs and the feedback I got was really positive. My group noticed how I had used sound as a recurring motif throughout the piece and how they felt like they got a sense of who Ellen was, which for me was the most important thing. They suggested that I could have explored Ellen’s memory more visually. When she talks about swirls and pictures on the driveway I could have explored that by maybe recreating it. This would have made for a beautiful colourful visual that would have been amazing to explore with her as an adult. Something to think about for next time, how I can better incorporate other forms of art like painting, drawing if it’s relevant and being specifically spoken about using text or personal accounts etc. Especially because Ellen surrounds herself with a lot of colour, positive affirmations and bright visuals so this could have fit in really well thematically.

I really identified with Alex’ brief and what he was trying to achieve with his exploration of his friend Zoe. He had identified the beauty in her big personality but also had an understanding of who she was underneath her persona. Quickly I got a strong sense of who she was and what it might be like to be in a room with her. His choice in found footage was effective for the most part but I did mention to him I couldn’t quite understand his choice in the footage of the two men shaking hands in that old school movie style. He said it was to mirror what Zoe was saying however I thought that she needed to be represented consistently as a female especially using old black and white movie footage from that 50’s and 60’s era. His other footage did work however. He used a beautiful blonde mermaid waking up on a rock that reflected for me a kind of dream like state of mind. It also brought up a beautiful feeling for me of the longing of a young woman to be a certain way. To look, feel and be maybe different to how she is in some areas, to be free and beautiful. His choice to use moments of strong and bold looking women in those old era films did work and again presented an image of something Zoe perhaps aspired to be or characteristics of these woman she aspired to embody. I thought his brief was very moving. Mostly I enjoyed the briefs where I really got a sense of something intimate about the person.

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