
Sawyer, Keith. Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration, (p.39-57). New York: Basic Books, 2007

I have to admit I found this reading a little confusing, maybe even a little cringe worthy. This idea of ‘Group Flow’ seemed to be a little vague to me over all the different industries he describes. The way he kept jumping from theatre to high-pressure deadline environments to basketball to a Sea Food company to marketing and engineering environments? Surely there are so many more specific factors and variables that come into play for each set of circumstances. I think I was cringing at the sweeping generalisations. I was unsure about what exactly it was he was talking about and how it translated over all these different contexts. It felt like he was jumping from one context to the next when it was convenient for him as he described how ‘Group Flow’ works at different stages. It would be helpful to follow through on the idea perhaps for one context at a time rather than how it relates at different stages to many different contexts all at the same time.

Week 5 Reading

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