feeding your brain + what you need for week 4

Thanks for another great week, everyone! The analysis of writing style you did in Wednesday’s class was really impressive and I’m super keen now to see what everyone comes up with for their “profile of a critic” piece. That discussion of writing style would also make a good topic for the week 3 reflection post on your blog; I’ve been reading the posts coming through on the feed so far and they’re really great, so keep up the good work!

A reminder: try to keep feeding your brain ideas, as often as you can. Pick up something you’ve never seen from the library’s AV collection (or on Netflix etc.), or listen to an album you really like but have not heard for a long time and write a couple of paragraphs about what it makes you remember or what is so special about it (this is a good public transport activity). There’s also an Experimenta Social session on at ACMI on August 9th called Curing Media: The Curator about curators, canons and cultural gate-keeping that might be of interest in terms of our discussions on expertise. It’s free but you need to register.

Finally, below is a little summary of what we’ll we doing next week and what you’ll need. Remember that we will not have our regular Wednesday 8:30am class next week because of the MIFF event, so you can afford to press snooze a few more times that morning. Please also note that the next round of assessment (Project Brief 2) is due next Friday 11th August.

The plan for Week 4:

Monday 12:30pm – 2:30pm (or thereabouts): we’ll be having our second critique session.

To prepare for class, you will need to:

  1. Prepare a draft to bring in; this can be your “profile of a critic” or another piece of criticism you would like feedback on.
  2. Print it out so that your editing partner can mark it up.

Wednesday 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Q&A session with MIFF Critics Campus mentors Simran Hans (UK) and Philippa Hawker (AUS), running in 51.03.011.

To prepare for class, you will need to:

  1. Take a look at each critics’ profile and catch up on a bit of the kind of writing they do.
  2. Think about what you might like to ask Simran and Philippa; consider their different backgrounds, the fact that they work in different parts of the world, the difference between being a staff writer and a freelancer etc.

Friday 3:30pm – 4:30/5pm: Live recording of The Rereaders literary and cultural podcast, running in 80.09.012.

No preparation necessary (but you may want to have a listen to this podcast to see what they’re all about before coming in).

+ at 5pm (time tbc): MIFF Critics Campus Closing Drinks in 09.04.029.

Come along for a drink and chat to the mentors and this year’s participants about all things film criticism, what they got out of the program etc. This will be useful if you’re considering applying to the Critics Campus program next year (using your dazzling studio folio).

AND: have a nice weekend 🙂