everyone’s a critic: week 2 update

by Georgia Imfeld & Bradley Dixon


Reading for this week: Film Criticism: The Next Generation

Questions raised by this week’s reading:

What does it mean to be a critic in this day and age? How has technology influenced criticism? What gives a critic authority?

To start the week we watched a panel discussion on criticism with Adrian Martin, Gillian Armstrong, Mel Campbell, Fenella Kernebone and moderated by Peter Mares. Among other things they discussed their process, the importance of critics, the changing nature of criticism in the age of the internet, and the difference between simple “reviews” and the deeper level of analysis associated with “criticism”, which are all areas we will explore further later in semester.

constructive criticism brainstorm

Receiving feedback and constructive criticism from peers/editors is an important part of the writing process, so using some guidelines and techniques that ensure to feedback is framed in a positive manner (see above) we workshopped a 300-word review with a partner in class. This is the first time we’ve shared our work with others in the class, but instead of being daunting it was a great chance to get tips to improve our writing and also help others improve theirs.

critique session