Network Literacy

In order for distributors of Australian films to make the most of the Internet, they need to be ‘network literate… be comfortable with change’ and acknowledge the power of building networks of fans online, and encourage them to ‘share what other provide’ (Miles 2007, pg. 24-30). ‘Share’ as in sharing information related to the films, movie trailers, press events, and release dates to make and keep people aware.

’30 per cent of online viewers now say they often read posts on these sites [Facebook, Twitter] before deciding what to watch and half of those post comments back once they’ve viewed.’ (Screen Australia 2012, Key Insights section 4). Although this word of mouth is uncontrollable, it can help foster attention and help the film reach specific audiences.

Digital distribution however calls piracy concerns. With a lack of services which provide cost-effective online streaming, or lack of knowledge of those that are, people will turn to piracy. Moving onto digital distribution comes with an abundance of complications says Screen Producers Australia executive director Matt Deaner, though he agrees it is a necessary action (Eaton 2014, Audiences demanding more content on the net section). Nevertheless, others argue that the internet should still be embraced as a powerful promotional tool.

Cara Cusumano, a programmer for the Annual New York Tribeca Film Festival says that ‘mainstream movie makers need to get over their fear of piracy and accept the internet as the way of the future’ (Eaton 2014, para 1). She argues that the problem is not that people don’t want to pay for content, but that they want it on-demand, and the popularity of US streaming site Netflix illustrates this point (Eaton 2014, para 7).

4:11 – 6:03



Miles, A 2007, Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge, Screen Education Autumn.45, viewed 17 October 2014 <>

Eaton, M 2014, Tribeca Film Festival programmer urges film industry to forget piracy and embrace internet, News ABC 17 April, viewed 17 October 2014 <>

Screen Australia 2012, What to watch? Audience Motivation in a Multi-screen World, Screen Australia, viewed 17 October 2014 <>

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