Week 3 Reflection

For this week’s studio we worked individually editing the footage that was shot last Friday. I found that my editing skills had rusted over the long break, though eventually I got into the groove of things and was able to complete the edit relatively easily.

I appreciate in this course the practical work that we do every week because although filming and editing aren’t necessarily difficult tasks; the more practice we get, the better we become at using technology. Similar to playing an instrument – it’s not hard to play an instrument, but it is to play it “well”. (On a side note, the greatness of something is always iffy for me. How do you do something well? What is a good edit? When does someone become a ‘pro’ at filmmaking? When they are recognised for it? But I digress…)

Prior to this course, I had never used one of those chunky cameras before (I don’t even know what they’re called), but after having a go and reviewing the footage I filmed I realised what mistakes I made and am able to make a mental note of it. Actually, it may be for the best that I make the most mistakes I possibly can in this course and learn from them. I’d like to leave this unit with a head full of notes and tips about anything to do with cinematography.

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