Week 4 Reflection

This week we did mostly technical stuff: on Monday we were in the editing suites, and Friday we started on audio.

While editing, I’ve been trying to use the shortcuts Paul recommended as much as I can. It’s still something I need to get used. Overall, I will need to improve my editing work ethic. Most times I’m too excited that I have footage to edit that I will jump straight into without going through all the housekeeping processes like labelling every single clip before I create the sequence. It is actually really helpful, I’m not sure why I didn’t make this a habit earlier.

As for audio, we began to learn how to operate the mixer. Paul went through all the basic knobs and buttons on the machine, but I found it way too much to absorb in go so it’s something I’m going to have to get used to with time. Actually, I think when it comes to handling the mixer and boom, I’m okay. It’s just the setting up and troubleshooting which is difficult.

All this technical talk reminds me of something that was discussed in one of our lectures last year. The lecturer said something along the lines of “the technologies you students are learning right now are probably going to become redundant when you go out into the workforce”. A pretty depressing statement. I really hope it’s not the case. Besides the apple can’t fall from the tree! I imagine the fundamentals should largely be the same, or at least similar.

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