This Saturday we re-filmed a scene for Lisha’s project.
I self-appointed myself to ‘prepare’ the camera and I was good until I had to do the white balance. I formatted media and adjusted the brightness and contrast just fine, but when it was time to do the white balance, for some reason, it came out looking orange. After some consultation with Aki, we decided to just use a white wall instead of the piece of paper I had originally used. Afterwards, I put on the zebra pattern and checked the levels – it was at 75 – and adjusted the lighting until I thought it was OK. Compared to the last time I tried to prepare the camera, I think I have improved a lot. For one I forgot to adjust the white balance last time, and I also took (what felt like) 30 minutes in total to adjust everything else.
I was also about to film on the Saturday, but I didn’t think I had done enough planning. I had written up a new script but wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it. I could go two ways – I could continue with my editing theme, and just edit the scene a couple ways myself to change the mood or I could film the one script in a few different ways with different sets, maybe different actors too. This kind of exercise is probably more to do with transforming the script rather than the footage though.