Project Stuff pt. 4

I showed the 9 edits to Polly, Lisha, and Robin


Polly enjoyed Jennifer, Weird (W) and Less Weird (LW). She found Stephanie’s edit OK, but the low angle shot with Kai’s arm in the foreground is a bit strange – Robin commented the same thing. She guessed that Jessica’s and LW might have been mine as well as W because she knew I liked that shot from production day.


– liked shot of Kai walking towards camera

– should have had a close up on Kai’s face to show his reaction to the letter

– at the close up/pan on the letter, a focus pull would have been good

– maybe having a scene/flashback of another girl passing on the letter would have been good


Lisha enjoyed W because she though it was the most different and unique compared to all the others and also more memorable. Also, she liked the cut to the CU of Polly because no one else used that shot in full. Overall, she found the other ones all similar. She thought Stephanie’s one was pretty good because she used a lot of shots. She commented that LW had smooth and fluent transitions between each shot. She thought W, OT, and Stephanie’s might have been mine.


– she liked the shot of Kai’s face obscured by the glass


Robin enjoyed LW and OT, and also W though tit ‘fizzled’ towards the end. He thought that LW was the most dramatic, suggestive, and memorable and it made him curious about the characters. For OT, he thought the timing of the actions and pacing of the camerawork worked well in addition to the performance by Polly and Kai. He commented that although it was a one take, it didn’t seem like it and he imagined a cut somewhere. For Weird, it was going OK until the cut between the last two shots – he would have liked it better if it snappier so the focus would remain on Polly rather than Kai. He also chose these three edits as my edits.


– Daniel’s one should not be shown first because it would through people off with it’s ‘insanity’.

– Jennifer’s cut is let down by the second shot she chose – felt unpurposeful

– Liked Jessica’s first cut but not the rest of it, especially the CU of the letter

– Lena’s transitions were crazy

– Priscilla’s beginning wide shot lingered for too long, she used the CU of letter that he hated and he felt she just edited for the sake of editing

– Stephanie’s edit was messy, and he hated the low angle

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