Evan Bryce Riddle


Tag Archive for rmit

Lentara 4.2 – Social Media Analysis & Comparison

It has been well established thus far that Lentara is good at what they do, but struggle to promote themselves. Capitalising on social media is critical to modern awareness and communication, therefore I decided it would be resourceful to analyse how Lentara uses social media, what’s done well, and what can be improved.   Comparative Facebook Analysis: If image is difficult to…

Lentara 4.1 – Ideas Worth A Try

To kick off from where I left it last time, I’ll put forward a few of the genuine, plausible ideas that arose from discussion with Lentara staff. “for 124 years, UnitingCare has been a ‘quiet achiever’… “we’re good at what we do, but we don’t tell that story well” – Ann-Maree Colborne, Lentara CEO Part of our task is to…

Lentara 3.3 –  Visiting Broadmeadows HQ

On Wednesday, after being in contact with our Lentara liaison, for the first time in my life I boarded the Cragieburn line. A 10 minute walk from the station and I would find the offices of Lentara UnitingCare. As this was my first personal. tangible experience with the organisation, I was very aware of its atmosphere and environment. I considered…

Lentara 3.2 – Wicked Problems

  This term, Wicked Problems, has been thrown around a few times in our studio over the last couple weeks. But what exactly is it? “A wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognise. The use of term “wicked” here has come to…

Lentara 3.1 – The role of Story

The story. It’s vital to our overarching goal: Communicating Lentara’s work in community. The studio’s discussion mostly aligned with the ShowerCaravan project, but the principles can be applied to many projects, including my team’s task of acquiring and promoting the Lentara Identity.  The communicable story, in our case the Identity, needs to be an amalgamation of information gathered from the stories…

Lentara 1.2 – Five projects, Endless Possibilities (P.1)

In my first blog entry I introduced Lentara and the many services it offers to assist struggling community members. But what can I, or we as a collective Media and Design student body do to assist Lentara? We’ve come to the conclusion that within groups, we’ll focus on various Lentara campaigns or projects, to improve or create awareness, attract more…

Lentara 1.1 – What Am I Dealing With?

Hey again! It’s been a while… This is my first post of many regarding the RMIT University Media studio, ‘Non-fiction Design – Lentara’. There’s clearly two parts in that title that will come to overlap through the duration of this 12-week course. Prior to the first tutorials, the idea of ‘non-fiction design’ seemed straightforward and understandable enough; creating truthful media…

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