In the time it takes you to read this sentence, a star has already been born. A Vine star that is. A subsidiary of Twitter, Vine, acts as a short-form video platform for its roughly 40 million users. The 6-7 second film sharing product was founded in June 2012 and it was acquired by the microblogging website Twitter in October 2012.…
Tag Archive for Reading Reference
Solving the Copyright Confusion
Almost everybody has used something from the internet that they didn’t create. I’ve always wondered, when is this okay? And when does is cross the line and become illegal? The Creative Commons information video outlines those boundaries. The style of animation is simple, but awesome. I’ve always been a fan of the sped-up handwriting or drawing. It gives the video a…
The World of Blogs
I found it rather pleasant scrolling through Adrain Miles’ piece about blogging, for it wasn’t overly convoluted with the mass amount of superfluous nonsense that I have experienced in an unfortunately large number of other set reading tasks. Instead of making me dread the future of the subject, it actually created a positive feeling towards what is ahead. I can change…