Evan Bryce Riddle


Tag Archive for photography

Picture That #9

  A behind the scenes snap from last week’s shooting of Alive In Faith by Marc Salazar. The 3 day shoot was really enjoyable thanks to a cooperative and friendly crew. That’s me on the right being all movie-star like. Courtesy of my Instagram  

Picture That #8

As I discussed previously in one of my first mobile photography posts, my friend and I took some snaps for Melbourne by the Water. Here’s one of my favourites! Taken on the north bank of the Yarra River in Melbourne’s CBD.

Picture That #6

One of my favourites from my first stop in the Big Apple. Why New York is referred to as that, I’ll never know. Nevertheless, here’s an iPhone photo I snapped in Central Park with a nice view of part of the Manhattan skyline. The water in the foreground is half-frozen, during a cold December 2013. I absolutely love the city…

Picture That #4


This picture was taken mid 2013, during my travels around the globe. Although the quality isn’t the best as it was taken on an iPhone, the costumes and composition in my opinion are amazing. The streetlight gives off a cool effect and adds to the awesome visual composition of our Batman crew picture!

Left to right: Bane, Joker, Harvey Dent (Twoface), Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Penguin.

Batman crew

Picture that #2

Once upon a time, before I was offset by multiple nasty injuries, I was actually a half decent soccer player.

I took this one 37000 feet in the air en route to the Australian national championships in Townsville, northern Queensland.
Townsville clouds

Mobile: Melbourne by the Water

I am sitting on a tram as I type away, unconscious of the world around me due to my snazzy new headphones. I’ll give this mobile blog upload thing a go. A 6pm tram is the perfect time to see the city transform from the clear frosty air of day to the twinkling lights of the Melbourne night. After a…

The Lytro camera

The first lecture for Networked Media, or symposium shall we call it, was overwhelming at the least. However there was one thing that was mentioned which particularly caught my attention – the Lytro camera. The what camera? Don’t worry, I hadn’t heard of it before either. The new model is yet to be released, only in pre-order stages, however apparently…

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