Evan Bryce Riddle


Lentara 4.2 – Social Media Analysis & Comparison

It has been well established thus far that Lentara is good at what they do, but struggle to promote themselves. Capitalising on social media is critical to modern awareness and communication, therefore I decided it would be resourceful to analyse how Lentara uses social media, what’s done well, and what can be improved.


Comparative Facebook Analysis:

Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 11.25.04 pm

If image is difficult to read, click to open image, then zoom in.


Conclusive statements:

  • The Uniting Church needs to use its larger online audience to promote Lentara & UnitingCare pages and its sub-divisions.
  • Lentara UnitingCare Post frequency is improving with each passing month in 2016 to a reasonable level, likewise with the Asylum Seeker Project. However the post frequency of UnitingCare Vic & Tas is sub-standard.
  • UnitingCare Vic & Tas had a post/competition; “Name our community vehicle”. This is a great idea, and was the only attempted interactive post.
  • What is lacking? Besides information on how to download the Lentara App, I noticed little “how to” content. Links on how to donate were provided in the information section, but (in my opinion) should appear within or supporting posts. Moreover, no information on how to volunteer, how to get involved generally, or what help is needed/wanted.
  • Overall, the Imagery was but inconsistent. Some photos stood out and captured my immediate attention. The Vulnerable Children’s poster-boy is an example of the power of a face to draw attention.
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