In my previous entry, I discussed 2 of 5 Lentara proposed projects, one of which I will be contributing to over the next 3-4 months. As I am unsure which I will be assigned to, I had a quick think about the possibilities surrounding each section of Lentara. Here’s a few thoughts and ideas on the remaining 3.
Lentara Identity Crisis
According to Jeff Jones, the image of Lentara isn’t as strong as they’d like it to be, with the public largely unaware of most of the organisation’s projects. This task is very broad, with a simple aim – promote Lentara and create awareness of the positivity it brings to communities. What do I think about this? One option is to communicate the stories of individuals that have been helped – powerful, heartwarming stories. There are people who have fled from Syria, where they used to work as doctors or lawyers, however internationally their qualifications are obsolete and must start life from scratch, and are provided training and work opportunities. That’s one end, the grateful recipients. On the other end is are the generous givers, the volunteers and the staff. Statements from various volunteers, preaching their love to ‘do good’ and help the suffering can be infectious to viewers and media consumers, allowing the public realise the vast need for help. Upper management of Lentara can showcase and encourage the many acts of the organisation, as well as how to get involved. People may want to help, but are unaware how – another issue that could be addressed through media projects. I have an idea in my head, that lets donors realise the exact difference they are making, translating a $5 note into a meal for a family, or $100 to pay for a month of shelter. This could be promotional or simply more information to the public. It could be advertised on the donations section of the website, posters, additions to thank-you cards sent out, or a short video advertisement with moving statements along the lines of “$50 will put my child through kindergarten this year”. This idea could intertwine with many of Lentara projects, promoting a shower-bus for example, as well as Lentara as a whole.
The idea is simple, take an old bus or van, install it with showers and drive around the city giving free showers to the homeless. This is still very much in development, and therefore there is a lot of flexibility for design, promotion, method, etc. The appearance of the bus (or busses) needs to be designed. The last Lentara crowdfunding campaign was extremely successful, therefore another crowdfunding promotional video could work here. In my opinion, the key to this video is showcasing the need for the shower-bus – illustrate the conditions the homeless face, and demonstrate why and how Lentara’s showerbus will benefit them. Research needs to be done for this project as it is still an ‘idea’, therefore communicating with and interviewing those who would actually use it, and then using that content for promotion and crowdfunding seems a good place to start.
Asylum Seeker Housing
Lentara’s primary focus, ongoing for 18 years, is the Asylum Seeker housing project.
In numerous television commercials, I’ve seen the client (or actor) endorsing a business with a smiley PTC (piece to camera). Often I find this structure cheesy and cliche – maybe it’s just me. In regards to the Asylum Seeker Housing, let’s say if I would want to convey a personal story of positive change thanks to the work of Lentara. I wouldn’t just frame a family recounting their story. I would prefer to let the viewer feel and relive the circumstances, to truly understand the difference and opportunity that Lentara has provided. While a PTC could be incorporated, so could a voiceover accompanying powerful contrasting images of life with and without support. My vision is to create something that provokes a reaction and encourages donation or involvement. The facilities that Lentara provide (albeit basic), give hope to the Asylum seekers, whose appreciation needs to be communicated, via video, audio/radio, print, etc. The key is recognition. Once people comprehend the immense benefits, and know how to easily contribute (money or volunteer work or other), then they will be more likely to do what they can to help.