In my first blog entry I introduced Lentara and the many services it offers to assist struggling community members. But what can I, or we as a collective Media and Design student body do to assist Lentara? We’ve come to the conclusion that within groups, we’ll focus on various Lentara campaigns or projects, to improve or create awareness, attract more donations or aid more specifically Lentara’s creative areas. 5 projects were proposed, each of which have enormous creative potential. After learning of our tasks, I began thinking of ideas, strategies or projects that could contribute to their development. Over the next couple blog entries, consider this text as a thinkpad, where I’m about to unleash my ideas – no matter how simple or ludacris.
Men’s Shed
The Men’sShed unites men from different backgrounds to share experiences, grow in confidence and self worth and provides an environment for social interaction. Like many other Lentara projects, the Men’sShed needs recognition and support. In my opinion, it is important to highlight the emotional and psychological benefits, and showcase the happiness that involvement in a Men’sShed provides. Few people are aware that this exists, and even less have been to one or know what actually goes on inside. By creating something such as a montage of the various activities that participants undertake, perhaps accompanied by vox-pops, infographics (that highlight diversity), or interview snippets, the public can meet and experience the positivity within the people and environment in the Lentara Men’sShed. Ideally, Lentara wants increased promotion and awareness of the Men’sShed, which something like the aforementioned could provide. An additional idea of mine, something similar to ‘Humans of New York’, where the individual is profiled, and the public can learn more about the type of people who attend Lentara’s Men’sShed, and how exactly Lentara has made a difference in their lives.
Clothing Bins
Taking unwanted, donated clothing to sell at second-hand ‘bargain-stores’, with the profits utilised to fund other Lentara projects. While this may appear straightforward, absent a vast potential for change in the process, I see room for enhanced promotion and recognition. Lentara’s Jeff Jones suggested a video, following the story of a shirt from donation to pick-up, and re-bought. This is the kind of idea that intrigues me. With Lentara’s huge involvement with Asylum seekers, I thought of involving them through interview, and highlighting (through video probably) the appreciation that the underprivileged have for basic necessities. Perhaps a poster or graphic illustrating the comparison between the $500 suits of businessmen, to the rags and tatters of the homeless. Or for example, a ‘before-and-after’, showcasing what a pair of outgrown running shoes can do for an active 10 year old living without a family income. By focusing on something small, a large message can easily be communicated.