Evan Bryce Riddle


Apple Bytes

Only a couple days ago did the super-geeks of the world yet again experience their euphoria as the Apple iPhone 6 was released. Fans had been queueing outside NYC’s apple store since the beginning of September, when a new iPhone release was only at the rumour stage. A couple from Mississippi, Jason and Moon Ray, paid $2500 to skip ahead of their cousins in the line to have first grabs at the new tech. Wow. Nethaniel claims that, in the race to keep up with ever growing digital world, events such as the iPhone 6 release are decreasing the student’s ability in school. For him personally, due to a lack of sleep caused by a live streaming of the event. I can agree with this, as I spent a fair amount of the next morning’s tutorial checking out all the nifty updates when really I should have been midway through one of Betty’s Pomodoros (25 mins of straight work, eliminating distractions). To say that study method has mixed reviews among fellow students is a nice way of putting it.


With all the hype of the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, Mitchell pointed out something devastating;

they have diverted everyone’s attention away from the fact that they have discontinued the iPod Classic, the greatest product Apple has ever created

On a slightly separate note, it’s ridiculous how much more we are paying than the USA for exactly the same product. (But on the bright side, at least we’re not Britain!) Callum knows it’s expensive, so looks at a very interesting comparison of buying the iPhone outright, compared to signing up for a plan. For me, I’m gonna stick with the trusty iPhone 4 a little longer, and when it dies I’ll convert to an Android, rather than an iPhone who’s features are so similar, yet is so much steeper in price.

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Also, Samsung are mocking Apple and it’s pretty funny.

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