Evan Bryce Riddle


Parent, or stalker?

Debates over the best parenting techniques, what works and what doesn’t, and where the line on over-protective is drawn, are never-ending. While I respect everyone’s individual opinion, I believe the release of the app MamaBear has gone too far. It is bordering on stalker qualities with its GPS feature, and I find it to be obsessive. I understand that parents worry and want to ensure their child’s safety, but this is a little over the top. What ever happened to trust and communication? The only circumstance where I see this app being suitable, is if the child has full understanding of what the parent sees, which judging by the separate interfaces, is not supposed to be the case.

Kids can check in or request help while parents get live location updates

The above is from the App Store description. Live location updates is a nice way of phrasing permanent child tracker. Privacy is ignored. I find it disgusting when young children wear those backpacks attached to a leash for the parent to hold. I strongly believe they need freedom, and to be given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. This is no different.

Check it out for yourself and feel free to disagree with me. Thanks to Adrian and Betty for introducing me to the video


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