Evan Bryce Riddle


Media 6: Do you Mind?

  This entry, what is likely to be my blog entry for this University degree – that’s a sentence that triggers a mixed response for sure – is in response to the week 6 of the Media 6 readings,  Five Minds For the Future by Howard Gardner. Gardner argues, almost forces the notion that the 5 mindsets he proposes are…

Media 6: Time is your Frenemy

While reading through this week’s prescribed text – Finding Time for It All by Judy Wajcman, I couldn’t help but realise the irony of how much of what she wrote related to me, and i’m sure thousands of other students in similar positions. From her requote; we “Work too much, eat too quickly, socialise too little, drive and sit in…

Media 6: ‘Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You’

This week’s reading was a little different to what we’re used to. It wasn’t overloaded with theoretical concepts and convoluted with big words that needed defining every 5 seconds. Instead, it explained a simple idea, with an effective discussion. It was actually enjoyable, using the anecdote Jordan Tice – the dedicated musician who plays countless hours a day trying to…

Media 6: Informal Media Work

This blog entry is in response to the week 3, Media 6 reading by Lobato and Thomas (2015). Centred around the informal media careers (i.e freelancing), the authors present through secondary sources and case studies, the positives yet largely the negatives of informal media work.  Prior to this text, I wasn’t overly familiar with the informal, freelance field, so it’s good to have a…

Media 6: Research Project (ongoing) Bibliography

References and annotated bibliography Annotated Tremayne, M. (2007). ‘Harnessing the Active Audience: Synthesizing Blog Research and Lessons for the Future of Media’ in Blogging, citizenship, and the future of media. London: Routledge. Pp. 261 Tremayne wrote this book in 2007, therefore much of it is quite outdated now. At this time, pre-existing content was moving online, but it was “the…

Media 6: A World of Differences

  In the Media 6, week 2 assigned reading, Chris Ledger and Megan Brownlow of PWC assess the global trends across the Entertainment and Media (E&M) industries. They begin by stating that the threat of free media and public sharing (which isn’t new actually, it has been present for a number of years – file-sharing, Limewire and bitTorrent for example)…

Media 6: The Future of Technology

The fourth industrial revolution, an ensemble of, to an extent, scary calculated predictions on the world’s future. The author, Klaus Schwab, delves into on the behemoth that is the global technological digitisation that lies just around the corner.  While considering the present-future dynamic, I thought of the past-present dynamic, and the technological world that we live in and largely take for granted.…

Lentara 4.2 – Social Media Analysis & Comparison

It has been well established thus far that Lentara is good at what they do, but struggle to promote themselves. Capitalising on social media is critical to modern awareness and communication, therefore I decided it would be resourceful to analyse how Lentara uses social media, what’s done well, and what can be improved.   Comparative Facebook Analysis: If image is difficult to…

Lentara 4.1 – Ideas Worth A Try

To kick off from where I left it last time, I’ll put forward a few of the genuine, plausible ideas that arose from discussion with Lentara staff. “for 124 years, UnitingCare has been a ‘quiet achiever’… “we’re good at what we do, but we don’t tell that story well” – Ann-Maree Colborne, Lentara CEO Part of our task is to…

Lentara 3.3 –  Visiting Broadmeadows HQ

On Wednesday, after being in contact with our Lentara liaison, for the first time in my life I boarded the Cragieburn line. A 10 minute walk from the station and I would find the offices of Lentara UnitingCare. As this was my first personal. tangible experience with the organisation, I was very aware of its atmosphere and environment. I considered…

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