This sketch entirely removed the video aspect. This was to test what meaning, if any, could be communicated without any visual cues. Skateboarding is almost exclusively visual, with most non-visual information consisting of music or narration.
This sketch lived up to expectations, with little to no narrative being derived from the audio file. If the original video was watched beforehand, it was much easier to draw links from the audio file. It includes elements of a non-narrative form, as it takes away from the traditional format. This service could be used for services such as Soundcloud or other music sharing platforms.
Narration would probably be the most straightforward way to explain the events going on during this video. A concept that is relevant to this sketch is time and space, as you can hear the skateboarder getting closer and further away from the camera. It is an entirely passive sketch, there is no option for interactivity, and there would be a limited amount different interpretations between viewers. It creates a non-narrative video, but there is so little information that a brief description of the content would almost be essential in order to glean any proper amount of narrative form from it.