Filed under: Networked Media — erincollins at 11:27 pm on Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I recently started watching a new tv show. It’s called Orange is the new black. Love it.

Most of the people in my life know that I have an addictive personality; tv shows, book series’ and especially, chicken crimpy shapes. It’s the main reason as to why I’ve never gambled, but it is, unfortunately, a big old chunk of who I am.
I started this great show on Tuesday. I am now up to the 7th episode (it’s thursday morning).

It’s a show about a middle class gal who goes to prison over a crime she committed 10 years ago. Interesting, insightful and incredibly entertaining. In each ep it follows the ‘pre prison’ life of one of her in mates. Here is the trailer – beware, you may get hooked.

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