Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 1 – Post 2

What examples of social media do you find inspirational or challenging? Mention 1 or 2. Cite a reference or URL for each. Explain why they inspire you.

I’ve been an Instagram user for as long as I can remember, maybe even when it first launched in 2010/2011. However, during lockdown last year, I’ve gotten into TikTok lately, with all their trends and different kinds of content available on the platform. Although I use other social media platforms, Instagram and TikTok have been my top favourites to browse on due to the expansive and endless content available.

One of the most recent posts on Instagram that has been inspirational to me was Syed Saddiq (The Member of Parliament for Muar, Malaysia), conducting a campaign to raise funds (RM200,000) to purchase laptops for less-fortunate students for Online learning during the Covid-Lockdown in Malaysia. With the promise of him shaving his head in hopes of the nation helping has sparked a community to help out, participate, and provide better learning utilities for students in Muar. By raising over the target limit, Saddiq was able to distribute one laptop each for every student in Muar. Furthermore, he also kept his promise of shaving his head. This viral campaign has brought together the Multiracial nation of Malaysia together in harmony for a moment during this time of struggle. This example inspired me that I now know that my home country, even in emergency and financial struggle during COVID-19, is still willing to help one another out. The Malaysian phrase “Kita Jaga Kita” (We take care of us) is not just a catchy tag-line, but a saying that the Malaysian community lives by.

Another example that inspired me is a TikTok creator @yourkoreandad (Nick Cho) who produces Point-of-View styled videos of him portraying as your “Korean Dad”. His content usually includes videos of him having dinner with you, running errands together, or even him teaching you how to speak Korean. I find his content inspiring because the character that he plays portrays a father figure for many users on TikTok. Though each consumer has their reason as to why they view him as a father figure, my reason was that my father passed away in 2019, and Nick’s videos have been a sort of father-figure in my life. His POV concept for his content creates the illusion that he directly speaks to the viewer and subconsciously builds a personal relationship with the viewer. Although Nick is portraying a character, he admits that he views everyone’s responses to his videos & he is appreciative that many people see him as their “Korean Dad”. Moreover, he promises to be someone/somewhere where users can vent, relate with or a safe space people can go to on platforms such as TikTok.


Bernama 2020, ‘Syed Saddiq has head shaved bald after achieving donation target’ , New Straits Time, 31 December, viewed 28 March 2021,



Saddiq, S 2020, Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia. Target tercapai! …, Instagram, viewed 28 March 2021,



Cho, N 2020, I saw your #duet …, TikTok, viewed 29 March 2021,



Cho, N 2020, #pov You and #yourkoreandad make a gingerbread house!, TikTok, viewed 29 March 2021,


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