Exploding Genre

Exploding Genre Week 11

This week’s theme of hybridity and homage was extremely relevant with our Project Brief 4. With our intention being to explore the amalgamation of Film Noir and Horror, the readings and film came at an appropriate time to assess how we would interconnect these two genres. Whilst the film that we watched, The Cabin in the Woods, combines Horror and Comedy, it was still useful in our exploration of just how different genres come together.

The Cabin in the Woods uses comedy to point out the tropes of horror, whilst almost lovingly paying tribute to it. The film does not seemingly make fun of horror films, but instead uses it’s already established form to generate reactions and moods within the audience, often also leading to comedic effect. Analysing the effects of these connections and outcomes will hopefully help when trying to generate links between Film Noir and Horror.

I do believe that horror is often inherent within Film Noir, although these connections are not so relevant in the reverse order. Film Noir centres on the world of crime and the sometimes ‘horrific’ acts involved when these crimes are committed. Although graphic or controversial content was usually not portrayed on screen in the noir films of the 40s and 50s, it’s place within these stories could be seen as a linkage point between the two genres. This could be a possible area to explore for my exegesis, which will accompany Project Brief 4.


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