Exploding Genre

Exploding Genre Week 4

This week’s film focus was Aliens (1986). Although I had seen and enjoyed the film’s predecessor, I had never ventured further into the franchise. I did highly enjoy the film, despite finding it to be a bit slow to start with.

The debate held in class centred on the statement “Aliens is more than just a Science Fiction film.” My instinctive initial reaction was in favour of this belief, yet I unfortunately found myself winding up on a team needing to to oppose the obvious. Although we struggled initially with the task, we decided to take the stance that Aliens cannot be deemed as more than a Sci-Fi film, because the nature of Science Fiction itself includes an amalgamation of several different genres. Although we did begin to convince ourselves and win the debate, I do still believe that Aliens is a genre defying movie.

Project Brief 2 was also due at the end of this week. I chose to explore the genre of Film Noir through photos, which I found to be both challenging and interesting. Rather than trying to formulate a cohesive narrative story through the images, I instead attempted to recreate the tone of the genre through a varied bank of stills. I purposely included urban settings with damp streets, long shadows and neon signage, but I think I probably could have improved my project by choosing one specific theme to focus on.


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