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Category Workshops

Week 11 Workshop

With the deadline of project four fast approaching, today’s class was spent listening to the drafts of peoples audio essays. This kind of peer feedback is always helpful and even if it isn’t your work being presented. It is great… Continue Reading →

Project 4 Brainstorming Part 2

Once again my group was subjected to a class workshop were we pitch our idea and have the class give us feedback. From this class discussion it was clear that we needed to clarify what media technologies and mediums are,… Continue Reading →

Project Brief 4

I think it is safe to say that at this point most people are feeling a little lost, confused or even a little stressed about this project. This is our first group assignment and I think we are all still finding our… Continue Reading →

Week 8 work shop exercise

For our up coming assignment we are required to produce an annotated bibliography. So to help us in finding academic articles we were given an exercise to get us familiar with the library resources. The task was to: Find some starting… Continue Reading →


Black: Lower the music level slightly when the interviewee is talking Adjust the lighting slightly so you still have the same mood which is created but have less shadows falling on his face and chest Focus a little more on… Continue Reading →

Peer Review – Interview with Wendy Milne

Green hat Maybe a different background for the interview (a location with more significance to the interviewee) To make the cuts in the audio less obvious record a atmosphere/background track Maybe add in some music to help create that mood… Continue Reading →

Peer Review – Born to Dance

Yellow hat Really liked the found footage. Worked very well. Good structure I really liked the shots of her artwork in her room and of her painting. I also really liked the very all mood of the video. I liked… Continue Reading →

Project 3 Peer review – Jordyn

Red Hat It felt very natural Easy to follow and be engaged with Very open interview Sense that the interviewee has gone through some hard times Makes you feel like you want to know more about her and her life… Continue Reading →

Narrative Exercise

1 . What is the ‘controlling idea’ of your portrait? In other words, what is the most interesting thing about your participant/interviewee that you want to communicate? The main idea of my video is Ben’s commitment to lacrosse and the… Continue Reading →

Sound Recording Exercise Part 2

After having completed the first edit of the sound recording, honestly, I wasn’t happy. I had done the very basics and that was mainly due to having no prior experience with Audition. So I came back to it today and… Continue Reading →

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