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Category Cinema Studies


The word ‘genre’ translates from French to ‘kind’ or ‘type,’ and therefore allows us to describe what kinda of film a movie is. It may be a horror, comedy, thriller, or even a combination of these, but what tells the audience what genre the film belongs… Continue Reading →


When watching a documentary, unlike a fiction film, audiences expect that the places, characters, and/or events which occur in the film to be ‘real’ or to have occurred at some point in time. Documentaries claim to present accurate information which… Continue Reading →

Fundamentals of Film Sound

Sound can be broken down into two categories; diegetic and non diegetic sound. Diegetic sound can be defined as sound which occurs within the world of the film and therefore is heard by the characters. The source of the dietetic… Continue Reading →

Filmmaking Tutorial: 180 Degree Rule and Other Shot Sequence Tips

Last week in Cinema Studies we looked at editing and filming techniques. One of the things we talked about was the 180 degree rule. Also known as the axes of action, this rule can be linked to continuity editing. This… Continue Reading →


This weeks reading was all about how you tell a story. Filmmakers have so many choices when deciding how they will construct the plot. Because unlike audiences, filmmakers build the plot from the story as opposed to the story from… Continue Reading →


This chapter looks at the various editing techniques and styles, one of which was continuity editing. When filmmakers plan how a scene will be shot they work around an axes of action also known as 180 degree rule. This axes… Continue Reading →


Cinematography is the art of photography and camerawork in film-making, and one aspect of cinematography is framing. Unlike paintings or photography, film is restricted to a rectangle shaped frame, were as paintings can take on any shape. Because of this,… Continue Reading →

Mise En Scene

Mise en scene translates from French to ‘put in the scene,’ which refers to everything within the frame such as lighting, costumes, and props. The reading talked about acting and the way the actors are apart of the mise en… Continue Reading →

Experimental Films

Yesterday was our second cinema studies screening and we watched the most bizarre film I have ever seen! It was a French film called Holy Motors made in 2012. The main character was Mr. Oscar who’s job was become these… Continue Reading →

The Significance of Film Form

Film Form can be described as the elements within a film and their relationship with one another. This includes the production and story elements such as camera, characters, and mies-en-scene, and the way these elements are used to create meaning…. Continue Reading →

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