Just another Media Factory site

Day April 25, 2016

The 25th of April

The 25th of April marks a very important day for both Australia and New Zealand; ANZAC Day. It is a day to pay our respects to all those who served our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so that… Continue Reading →

Fundamentals of Film Sound

Sound can be broken down into two categories; diegetic and non diegetic sound. Diegetic sound can be defined as sound which occurs within the world of the film and therefore is heard by the characters. The source of the dietetic… Continue Reading →

Colour Correction

One thing I struggled with a lot when working in Final Cut Pro was colour correction. I was making a promotional video and one of the DSLR cameras was on the wrong white balance settings which made everything that was… Continue Reading →

Filmmaking Tutorial: 180 Degree Rule and Other Shot Sequence Tips

Last week in Cinema Studies we looked at editing and filming techniques. One of the things we talked about was the 180 degree rule. Also known as the axes of action, this rule can be linked to continuity editing. This… Continue Reading →

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