I am not a comic fan, but despite this, I still found ‘Blood in the Gutter’ to be quite interesting. The thing I found most intriguing was the different ways to transition between panels. I have never given it much thought but now that I think about it, there would have to be some techniques and ways to make these transitions effective and engaging for readers. In this reading was a list of different ways an author could transition from one panel to the other. The list was:

Moment to moment
Action to action
Subject to subject which requires more reader involvement
Scene to scene which transports us over significant time and space
Aspect to aspect which bypasses time
None sequitur which provides no logical sequencing

Action to action, Subject to subject, and Scene to scene are the most frequently used in Western comics. If you were to graph these transitions like it was done in the reading, a very clear pattern emerges with these three as the most common.