Choosing an interview subject for Project Brief 3 has turned out to be relatively tricky. When putting the feelers out to see who would be interested I got a glut of volunteers, many of whom were little more than acquaintances. While we were told that strangers would perhaps produce more interesting results, the worry was there; what if I committed to interviewing someone from the group of volunteers, and they turned out to be not that interesting, or camera shy?

While I was drawn to interview one of the volunteers from the crowd, in the back of my head I had someone else in mind who didn’t even know I was doing a project, and barely even knew who I was. Much less an acquaintance, much more a stranger. My two choices were; go with the ‘safe’ route and interview someone who had voiced their interest, with the possibility of not getting much workable material out of them OR go out on a limb and ask almost a total stranger whom I knew had a very interesting aspect to their life that I could definitely capitalise on, but with the chance of rejection.

I’m a pretty shy person initially so the possibility of rejection from a stranger somewhat terrified me. But, luck was on my side when I inquired and got a very solid ‘YES!’ from the stranger. My cherry-picked subject was more than happy to help. It’s solidified in my mind that I need to stretch myself and go out of my comfort zone in order to ensure that I am truly happy with my choices, and go with my first instinct rather than being ‘safe’.

Now, to wait and hope working with a dog won’t backfire for a second time, and work on getting those location permissions…