When opportunity knocks, always answer the door.

Being a student at RMIT means that we as students are often given an immeasurable amount of opportunities some other universities don’t have. Being in the city, as well as being a prominent institution for the creators and makers of the next generation puts us in good stead to be at the forefront of new, exciting things. The opportunity of an internship with INTEL is one of these exciting things, and hopefully not the last unmissable opportunity I come across in my time here.

Being an intern for a global technology company in San Francisco, paid, for three months, creating assets for the company to then use internally and externally sounds like a dream to me, and after attending the information session I’m all the more eager to apply. There are two ‘semesters’ we can currently apply for; one starting in September, and the other December. Due to my trip to Peru in September I’ll be applying for their Winter trimester.

A lot of consideration and work needs to go into this application. I have some experience and a pretty clear vision of what I want to do and the path I want to go down, but in the next few months before this application is due I’m going to have to work harder than ever to really consolidate myself as an asset that Intel would benefit from mentoring. This means gaining experience in every way I possibly can, creating a solid portfolio and consolidating my goals and ‘style’ as best I can. I want to apply knowing with rock-hard confidence what I want to do, and how I’m going to achieve it. I’m hoping by gaining more experience I can further develop my ‘style’ while also creating a portfolio, so my three goals all intertwine. I’m champing at the bit to be a part of this experience as it could be potentially life changing, through not only the information and experience gained there, but the doors this would open in the future. How many people can say that they’ve interned at INTEL?

So, with all of this in mind and a goal growing exponentially clearer, I need to set myself some smaller goals to help me attain it.

– Gain more practical experience.

– Pick the brains of professionals to gain a better insight into the industry.

– Build up a show reel.

– Expand and refine my portfolio of works.

– Consolidate on skills I already have, and gain new ones in order to have a competitive edge.

– Work towards creating my own ‘style’.

– Decide which discipline I’m more interested in; producing or cinematography.

I think these can all be achieved to some degree before the deadline of July 1. I’m already on my way to gaining more experience; as I type, I’m preparing to be the camera operator for the evening for Offbeat with RMITV, and hopefully learn a bit better how to actually operate a camera.

This information session has really lit a fire in my belly and made me realise I need to get a move on and work harder, and smarter, rather than waiting until tomorrow. Because when opportunity comes knocking, I want to answer before they’ve even had chance to touch the door.